This Dzuma Dzuma Story Hooked - What's Dzuma Dzuma Story Hooked ? what do you know what the mean dzuma dzuma ? dzuma is mean Plague this word prom polish , Dzuma /Plague (fr. La Peste) - parabolic novel by French Nobel Prize winner Albert Camus. At the level of realistic, it tells of the plague epidemic in the city of Oran, in Algeria, which then under the rule of the French colony.

The structure and meaning of "Dzuma  (The Plague) "

It was established after World War II, was first published in 1947, the Albert Camus novel is a work of universal character. Events in Oran refer to broader content. It is a work about the expansion of evil and different attitudes of men. Plague is a novel parabolic, using generalized, schematic plot to provide broader issues, momentous, current in every age. This purpose are subordinated to descriptions of places, actions and lifestyles of people - ordinariness, mediocrity, gray everyday life with elements of joy and sorrow, and then the effects of the epidemic in the city and the hearts of men. Parabolic structure of the novel also supports signaled, but indeterminate time share.

Dzuma Dzuma Story Hooked
The work was written with the author's personal experience, the experience related to the war, quits, death, the phenomenon of mass destruction, lack of livelihood, a constant sense of danger. However, this is a work of universal, allowing seen in the depicted events and attitudes of their counterparts not only related to the war. The reader can see the plague some other evil, against which you have to take a certain attitude. Reflections narrator, dialogue form, doubts, ideas, insights - is an expression of the struggle against evil, that you need to explain, interpret, qualify. So this is a work of fundamental human dilemmas, issues of conscience, contacts and honor.
The main character is a doctor Bernard Rieux.

Meaning title

    Plague as a disease that attacked Oran. This is the importance of realistic and organizes all the events in the novel. But as the disease plague is the plague element, which at any time and do not know where it can fall on the human society. It is a symbol of the threat to human forces, which is not affected.
    Plague as a war. It is portable, meaning, and a war is the element slightly different than the disease - the perpetrators are men. But it is equally dangerous - and it is also "trying time", frees people from different behaviors and attitudes. With the war involves totalitarianism - is another variation of the plague.
    Plague as an evil inherent in man. It is a plague, a negative element which lies in each individual human being and with which to contend. This evil is revealed often in times of danger, such as the element or war. Transfixing, it destroys and creates new evil - is therefore just as contagious as the plague - Each of us carries a plague, for no one, no one in the world is free of it.


    1992 La Peste, directed by Luis Puenzo

See also

    Canon at the end of the century "Rzeczpospolita"


    Albert Camus: Plague. teacher Adam Ferency. Alexandria, 2011. ISBN 978-83-60313-46-6.
    "Plague" - summary, the development of novel

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