This is Dzuma Dzuma In English
Do you know ? This is Dzuma Dzuma In English will share dzuma dzuma translation , what does dzuma mean in english, - Dzuma (czarna smierc, m�r, zaraza morowa) / The plague (Black Death, plague, pestilence plague) - Acute infectious bacterial disease of rodents and (rarely) other small mammals, and humans (zoonosis). This disease is caused by infection G (-) anaerobic Enterobacteriaceae named Yersinia pestis.
Protective clothing physician during the plague epidemic (Germany, the seventeenth century.)

There are disputes whether one of the first descriptions of epidemic given by Thucydides called. "Plague of Athens" in 430 BC It was actually plague (it is possible that it was typhoid, dengue, smallpox and hemorrhagic fever virus). From ancient times through the Middle Ages up to modern times is described dozens of major epidemics (most likely) the plague, also known as "Black Death" (from emerging extensive necro-zgorzelinowych in the skin, taking a dark color).
The largest of them swept up by the European countries in the mid-sixth century, the so-called. the plague of Justinian and in the years 1348-1352, and a few years later in China. This epidemic in some parts of the population has decreased by up to 80% of the population and caused far-reaching consequences of the demographic, cultural and social and political. The symbol of the plague has become a distinctive protective clothing worn in the sixteenth-eighteenth century. By doctors during the epidemic, with a mask in the shape of the beak, where he was put fragrant oils suppressing the stench of decomposing corpses. In addition to clothing, were protected against the plague also special antidotes: the most valuable of which was scabiosa, but also used Four Thieves Vinegar (wine vinegar, where for 12 days soaked mugwort wormwood, rue ordinary, rosemary, sage and other herbs containing essential oils with strong bactericidal properties) and "scabiosa poor" - garlic.
Bacterial agent that causes plague identified in 1894. Independently Japanese bacteriologist Kitasato Shibasaburo (1852-1931) and the French bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (1863-1943) during an outbreak in Hong Kong, while the role of rat fleas in the spread of the germ discovered Japanese researcher Masaki Ogata (1864-1919) in 1897. at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first century, some microbiologists (including Christopher Duncan and Susan Scott) put forward a theory according to which the reported outbreaks in Athens (fifth century BC), the plague of Justinian (VI-VII century AD ) and recurrent plague in the years 1348-1672 did not have a nutrient medium (bubonic plague - Yersinia pestis), but viral. According to the theses advocated by these scientists, so it would be a disease similar to hemorrhagic fevers caused by Ebola, Marburg, but the incubation period approx. 32 days.
Using DNA analysis of material taken from the teeth of people buried at the medieval cemetery in Aschheim in Bavaria, it was found that the Plague of Justinian was caused by other strains of bacteria than those that caused the outbreak of the Black Death in the fourteenth - seventeenth. age and recent epidemic of plague in the XIX - XX. aged [4].
Currently, the plague exists in some endemic areas in Asia (in the nineties of the twentieth century, the eruptions were recorded in Vietnam, Zambia and India).
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Dzuma In Polish
Dzuma (czarna smierc, m�r, zaraza morowa) � ostra bakteryjna choroba zakazna gryzoni i (rzadziej) innych drobnych ssak�w, a takze czlowieka (zoonoza). Choroba ta wywolana jest infekcja G(-) wzglednie beztlenowych paleczek z rodziny Enterobacteriaceae nazwanej Yersinia pestis.Dzuma in English
The plague (Black Death, plague, pestilence plague) - Acute infectious bacterial disease of rodents and (rarely) other small mammals, and humans (zoonosis). This disease is caused by infection G (-) anaerobic Enterobacteriaceae named Yersinia pestis.History
Originally the Latin word pestis was one of the many general terms "plague" or "mass misery", "destruction". Only in the XV-XVI. They began to distinguish between different types of diseases that cause massive disease epidemic fatal. This word has a vague origin, it may be akin to Latin. perdo - "lost, destroyed, wasted," Lat. perditus - "lost, incurable, hopeless."Protective clothing physician during the plague epidemic (Germany, the seventeenth century.)

There are disputes whether one of the first descriptions of epidemic given by Thucydides called. "Plague of Athens" in 430 BC It was actually plague (it is possible that it was typhoid, dengue, smallpox and hemorrhagic fever virus). From ancient times through the Middle Ages up to modern times is described dozens of major epidemics (most likely) the plague, also known as "Black Death" (from emerging extensive necro-zgorzelinowych in the skin, taking a dark color).
The largest of them swept up by the European countries in the mid-sixth century, the so-called. the plague of Justinian and in the years 1348-1352, and a few years later in China. This epidemic in some parts of the population has decreased by up to 80% of the population and caused far-reaching consequences of the demographic, cultural and social and political. The symbol of the plague has become a distinctive protective clothing worn in the sixteenth-eighteenth century. By doctors during the epidemic, with a mask in the shape of the beak, where he was put fragrant oils suppressing the stench of decomposing corpses. In addition to clothing, were protected against the plague also special antidotes: the most valuable of which was scabiosa, but also used Four Thieves Vinegar (wine vinegar, where for 12 days soaked mugwort wormwood, rue ordinary, rosemary, sage and other herbs containing essential oils with strong bactericidal properties) and "scabiosa poor" - garlic.
Bacterial agent that causes plague identified in 1894. Independently Japanese bacteriologist Kitasato Shibasaburo (1852-1931) and the French bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (1863-1943) during an outbreak in Hong Kong, while the role of rat fleas in the spread of the germ discovered Japanese researcher Masaki Ogata (1864-1919) in 1897. at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first century, some microbiologists (including Christopher Duncan and Susan Scott) put forward a theory according to which the reported outbreaks in Athens (fifth century BC), the plague of Justinian (VI-VII century AD ) and recurrent plague in the years 1348-1672 did not have a nutrient medium (bubonic plague - Yersinia pestis), but viral. According to the theses advocated by these scientists, so it would be a disease similar to hemorrhagic fevers caused by Ebola, Marburg, but the incubation period approx. 32 days.
Using DNA analysis of material taken from the teeth of people buried at the medieval cemetery in Aschheim in Bavaria, it was found that the Plague of Justinian was caused by other strains of bacteria than those that caused the outbreak of the Black Death in the fourteenth - seventeenth. age and recent epidemic of plague in the XIX - XX. aged [4].
Currently, the plague exists in some endemic areas in Asia (in the nineties of the twentieth century, the eruptions were recorded in Vietnam, Zambia and India).
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