which country has ak 47 on flag

zarkasi.com now will share about ak 47 on flag, ak 47 on flag,ak 47 on flag,ak 47 on flag,ak 47 on flag,ak 47 on flag, ak 47 on flag,ak 47 on flag,ak 47 on flag, ak 47 on flag,ak 47 on flag,ak 47 on flag, which country has ak 47 on its flag I do not know why Ajay Sharma want me to answer this question. It is enough to answer but I think I might have something to add that has been overlooked by other answerers. This is one question that can effectively respond within two (2) words. I am aware that Quora frown on such practices so I made every effort to make my answer in accordance with the standards of Quora. I, by no means my comment to degrade or humiliate. My interest is solely in the field of education and to help others become more independent and therefore improve satisfaction most people are able to provide others with useful information. I became "good" and "respect" for everyone concerned. How much better and how much more respect for one can be c...